As we enter the new year full of HOPE for our families and appreciation for YOU, our most devoted supporters, we want to continue to find ways to strengthen this beautiful community when meeting in person is not possible.
Our newsletters have been a wonderful tool for communicating and we enjoy sharing everything we are doing – and accomplishing – together.
We just released our Winter 2021 Newsletter which features a story on Future Homeowner, Gloria (pictured here). It talks about her determination to build a better life for herself, and for her son. You can read the full newsletter by clicking the button below:
We are also excited to announce a brand new program we have been working on: The GroundBreakers Club!
We wanted to create a special way to recognize those of you that support Habitat-Spokane with monthly donations. A community space seemed fitting since your donations truly help us build vibrant Habitat communities.
This ground-breaking monthly donor club will give all of you a place to see what your community of contributors can build together. You’ll see your growing impact every month on a thermometer that tracks the total donations of all club members. We’ll update this space with news of current and future Habitat families AND there will be a special Habitat HOME dedicated in your honor every year! As a member, you’ll have the opportunity to sign well wishes on the boards that go into this home, and there will be designated days you can volunteer at this house with other members of the club. Plus, you’ll all get a GroundBreakers Member sticker to show your pride.
Read more about the program and SIGN UP today!
Joining the Ground Breakers Club makes you one of our most committed supporters dedicated to helping families in need of safe, affordable housing in the Spokane community.
We know some of you are already monthly donors and we want this club to be for YOU. We’ll be reaching out soon to ensure you’re seamlessly enrolled in this new program and receive all of the benefits!