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Your gift, no matter how small, means Habitat can continue to partner with incredible families to create safety and stability through affordable homeownership opportunities.

Your gift, no matter how small, means Habitat can continue to partner with incredible families to create safety and stability through affordable homeownership opportunities.

If you have questions about making a large donation, please contact our office:

At Habitat for Humanity, we build.

We build because we believe that families and individuals should have the chance to buy a healthy home that they can afford in Spokane. More than building homes, we build communities, we build hope and we build the opportunity for families to help themselves.

Your donation will help families break the cycle of poverty and build long-term financial security. With an affordable, stable home, families have more to spend on food, medicine, child care, education, and other essentials. Your support can help us do more in all the many ways that Habitat builds.

Families who partner with Habitat build their own homes alongside hundreds of volunteers. They also attend financial classes and learn about their credit, saving money, paying bills and handling a mortgage.

When their house is complete, they BUY it at an affordable price so that their mortgage will never be more than 30% of their income.