Habitat for Humanity-Spokane ensures every woman has agency, equity, and a strong voice in her home and community.

Habitat for Humanity-Spokane invites all individuals and community partners to join the Women Build event to truly dig into the building process, and volunteer at the job site alongside the hardworking future homeowners in the Habitat Homeownership Program. Every woman can make a difference in our community for modest-income families while learning valuable hands-on skills – no experience necessary!
For over 20 years, Habitat-Spokane’s Women Build program has highlighted how low- to moderate-income women face unique barriers in homeownership, such as accessing loans and credit products, which create an impact that lasts a lifetime. Additionally, 29.5% of single-parent households led by women live below the poverty level in Washington State, and single mothers lead 60% of Habitat-Spokane families. This year, to directly address the growing housing crisis, Habitat for Humanity-Spokane will continue its efforts in breaking the biases women continue to face today.
“Supporting Women Build celebrates our predecessors’ work in fighting for gender equality. It also reminds us that persistence remains our most powerful tool when advocating for a future worthy of our sisters, daughters, and granddaughters,” says Michelle Girardot, CEO of Habitat for Humanity-Spokane.
Habitat for Humanity-Spokane sees firsthand the endless possibilities when women unite behind a common cause. Habitat believes we are stronger together, forging gender equity isn’t limited to just women, and ALL are welcome! Women Build encourages us to break down stereotypes while we learn homebuilding skills and make lasting changes for modest-income families on their homeownership journey.
Supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion are long-withstanding efforts that would not be possible without sponsors like Bank of America, which has been a critical supporter of Women Build in Spokane for many years.
“When women connect, give and build, we help shape Spokane. As part of Bank of America’s ongoing commitment to responsible growth, we’re putting human and financial capital into this collaboration so families can begin their journey toward building generational wealth in homeownership,” says Sara Desautel, Spokane/Boise Market Executive at Bank of America.

Habitat is extremely grateful for the support from additional community partners that make efforts like Women Build possible, including Inland Power & Light, Central Pre-Mix, Interstate Concrete and Asphalt, Spokane Hardware Supply, Women Helping Women Fund, and Eastern Washington University.
In addition, Habitat-Spokane encourages participants to sign up as individual fundraisers so we can continue to help our modest-income neighbors work toward homeownership and financial stability. Both individual volunteers and groups are urged to sign up for a Women Build shift to experience the fun at the construction site while raising awareness of the unique barriers women face in accessing safe and affordable housing.
Women Build – March 8-11, 2023
Questions about Women Build? 509-534-2552 ext. 224
Finally, the highlight of Women Build is a double Home Dedication for 2 local single mothers who will receive the keys to their homes on the Friday of Women Build. All are invited to join in the celebration of homeownership for these hardworking moms!

A Double Home Dedication for Liz & Whitney
Friday, March 10, 2023
12:00 pm
Hope Meadows, Deer Park, WA
1023 & 1027 S Margaret Street – Deer Park, WA 99006
RSVP: https://habitat-spokane.org/dedications/
Since 1987, Habitat for Humanity-Spokane continues to provide unique opportunities for homeownership for low- to moderate-income households. We are driven by our mission: Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, community, and hope. For 35 years, Habitat continues to be the leader in affordable homeownership programming and new construction in Spokane County; completing over 380 units of new and rehabbed construction housing. Now more than ever, Habitat-Spokane is committed to making safe, decent, and affordable homeownership our top priority with the promotion of economic mobility and communities of opportunity for qualified low- to moderate-income buyers.
Through shelter, we empower. To learn more, visit habitat-spokane.org and follow @HFHSpokane on Twitter and @HabitatSpokane on Facebook.