To close out Women’s History Month, two single mothers will receive their keys at a Home Dedication celebration in Habitat-Spokane’s Hope Meadows development.
[Deer Park, WA]: On Thursday, March 30, 2023, at noon, Habitat for Humanity-Spokane will welcome two families to their new, affordable homes in Deer Park. You are invited to join the festivities alongside volunteers, donors, sponsors, Habitat homeowners, and staff.Home Dedications celebrate the hard work and diligence that partner families invest in when applying for a Habitat home. Over 250 hours of “sweat equity” are spent building their own homes and their neighbor’s homes as part of the program. Future homeowners also take financial readiness courses to prepare them for owning a house, to ensure each homebuyer is more than prepared to be a successful homeowner. At the end of the Homeownership Program, families buy their house and pay a mortgage that will never cost them more than 30% of their monthly income.
Low- to moderate-income women face unique barriers in homeownership, such as accessing loans and credit products, which create an impact that lasts a lifetime. Additionally, 29.5% of single-parent households led by women live below the poverty level in Washington State, and 60% of Habitat-Spokane families are led by single mothers.
Affordable homeownership helps low- to moderate-income families build stability and confidence, but it isn’t always accessible for those in need. To directly address the growing housing crisis and inequities in access to homeownership, Habitat for Humanity-Spokane will continue its efforts to break the biases women face today.
Studies show that strong and stable households are foundational to child development and growth. Families can flourish when a home fosters — instead of hinders — health and safety. Owning an affordable home also allows homeowners to lift up their entire family by saving for their futures and investing in educational opportunities — bolstering job opportunities and long-term career growth.
The transformation during a future Habitat homeowner’s journey to homeownership is extremely powerful. At this home dedication in Deer Park, supporters of Habitat for Humanity-Spokane will come together to witness two single mothers unlock strength, stability, and self-reliance through the keys to their new future.
All are invited to join in the celebration of homeownership for these hardworking moms!
A Double Home Dedication for Liz & Whitney
Friday, March 10, 2023
12:00 pm
Hope Meadows, Deer Park, WA
1023 & 1027 S Margaret Street – Deer Park, WA 99006
Since 1987, Habitat for Humanity-Spokane continues to provide unique opportunities for homeownership for low- to moderate-income households. We are driven by our mission: Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, community, and hope. For 35 years, Habitat continues to be the leader in affordable homeownership programming and new construction in Spokane County; completing over 380 units of new and rehabbed construction housing. Now more than ever, Habitat-Spokane is committed to making safe, decent, and affordable homeownership our top priority with the promotion of economic mobility and communities of opportunity for qualified low- to moderate-income buyers.
Through shelter, we empower. To learn more, visit and follow @HFHSpokane on Twitter and @HabitatSpokane on Facebook.